Monday, December 28, 2009

Third Time's the Charm

Take three...

This will be my third attempt to write regularly for this blog, after two previous abortive tries that each lasted less than 2 weeks (how prophetic of me). I'm not really sure why I stopped, perhaps because I was tired of ranting about random things and having no readership. Rants get boring if no one agrees or disagree with you, just ask FOX NEWS...

Anyway, this time there will be a more narrow focus. I've decided to share my thoughts (review is too strong) on movies and the occasional book, and use that as a platform for more mundane observations about my life. I've recruited my friend "agent X" (he made me call him that), a fellow lover of movies to help me in this project. Hopefully we can motivate each other, and help pick up the slack when I'm feeling indifferent, like a good gym buddy, but instead of yelling at me to push through the last set of bench presses, he'll tell me to hurry up and post that Avatar review.

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