Let me be the last to observe that we are currently living in a golden age of satire. While citizens in earlier eras had Walter Cronkite and the "CBS Evening News" to help them navigate contentious and confusing matters of public import, more and more of us seem to rely on Jon Stewart and Comedy Central.
Okay, those weren’t my words. They were words of A.O. Scott in his movie review of Team America: World Police. I’m not even sure I quite agree that we are living in a golden age of satire; I just felt like it was smartass thing to begin this post with. So let’s get down to business.
Season 14 of South Park starts next Wednesday!
I know what some of you are thinking. "God, how the hell can you watch this garbage? Its jokes are so dumb, so perverted, and so vulgar! The fact that this show has been around for 13 years is just astounding." Well, you’re not the only one who’s surprised that the show has lasted so long. In an interview with the NYTimes, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of South Park, said themselves that "it’s not like we’re going to be doing this when we’re 40." Trey Parker turned 40 in October.
As to the show being vulgar and perverted, no one argues otherwise. But underneath the layer of dumb jokes, the show actually says a lot about the society that we are living in. For example, in Season 13 Episode 12, The F Word, the 4 foul mouthed kids calls the obnoxious Biker Gangs fags, not to mean that the gang members are gay, but to mean that they’re really annoying mofo’s. Of course, that’s not politically correct, it’s disrespectful, etc etc etc…. but don’t tell me you’ve never passed by some really obnoxious people and thought “goddamn it, what a bunch of fags!” South Park just says on cable television what most of you have been thinking.
Now... I forgot where I was going with what I wrote. In fact, to be honest, I don’t think I even had an idea where I was going in the beginning. Oh wait, I remember now:
What's the name of the fat kid again? He's kind of adorable.
The fat kid's name is Eric Cartmen. He is most often referred to by his last name -- Cartmen.
Have you seen South Park? I'm not sure you understand what adorable means...
unless of course you hate Jews, then yeah Cartman is indeed adorable.
I confess I'm being superficial and am purely basing my observation on appearances.
Technically I've seen one episode of South Park (about Warcraft or something), but I don't remember much about it.
I haven't seen South Park in like 2 years, but not because I didn't like it. I'm excited for the new season; the trailer looks interesting. I'll definitely check it out.
So what's the beef between SP and Family Guy?
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