Monday, February 09, 2009

Dashed hopes?

well the interviews didn't go anything resembling the way i planned. started out well enough with the test, think i actually did pretty well in that considering i was facing the standford master students. all my interviews felt rushed, didnt really feel like i got my points across or sold myself particularly well. i guess the sample interview questions packet was the first bad sign, never a good sign when something as generic and formulaic as that shows up. managed to do ok, even though i stumbled a little on the probability question (got the thought process down but didnt say it very confidently and the answer wasnt exactly right) on the first two more conversational interviews, but again felt rushed. i sounded utterly incoherent... the thing about thinking faster than i can talk, def a problem...

the last interview was def killer. it was a little intimidating that he read my resume as he was asking me the first few questions, without really bothering to look at me. tons of technical questions, just my luck that hes the head of edg in asia and grilled me about all the crap i should have known to be a good structurer/trader on the desk. def coulda done better in terms of quick thinking and remaining calm, but did a better job as the interview wore on. funnily enough it was relaxing to be engaged in the exchange about pricing a phoenix autocall, even though i was pretty much dead wrong... the guy was definitely intense, very demanding but obviously very smart and explained things clearly and concisely, not a bad guy to potentiallly work for. prob wont get that chance tho. i think this round of interviews went way worse than the ones i had over the summer for s&t in nyc, and i didnt get those, so yikes... oh well whatever happens, at least i enjoyed parts of it, since it wasnt complete bs with ppl not really interested in each other going thru the motions, with one guy reciting a bunch of prerehearsed crap and the other listening for some keywords.

infallibility, unanimity, uniformity. form less important than function and execution? without a framework how will one gauge progress? is there such a thing as perfect gov't? one that serves the people can do no better than respect and incorporate their opinions. the amenability of the constitution, is that amenable? what is the right about of democracy? is direct democracy no longer an infeasibility? is that the key to post partisan politics? constitutional amendments are needed once again.

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