"Why aren’t there any real life superheroes?" asks Dave Lizewski (played by Aaron Johnson), an average high school dork who even gets made fun of by his dorky loser friends, to which is friend replies “dude, if anyone tried that in real life they’d get their ass kicked!”
But, as we can expect, Dave tries it anyway, and the first 30 minutes of the movie or so (don’t quote me on this, I did not time it while watching the movie) is almost entirely about how Dave puts on a silly Halloween costume, calling himself "Kick Ass" and gets his ass kicked by bad guys. As Damon Macready, the soon-to-be Big Daddy, puts it, "he should himself ass kick instead!" Sure, it was pretty funny watching an idiot getting beat up, but the jokes were pretty average, and they came at all the expected places. It would’ve been a pretty average movie, if it weren’t for the dynamic duo who comes in to save the day.
Enter Hit Girl (played by Chloe Moretz) and Big Daddy (played by Nicolas Cage).
The highly disturbing father-daughter relationship between the two is one of the best things about the movie. The two are introduced with Damon showing his daughter, Mindy, the soon-to-be Hit Girl, what it feels to be hit a bullet, and he does so by shooting her with a handgun. It sounds really lame when I write it, but trust me, when you see it on the big screen, you’ll see that’s some disturbing $h1+ right there. It’s also really, really, really, really really really funny.
Mindy’s first superhero act as Hit Girl is equally as disturbing, as she violently slashes all the bad guys Kill Bill style, leaving a bloodbath after her act. "I think I’m in love with her dude!" comments one of Dave’s friends. Who can blame him? There is just something to seeing a little girl half your size beating the living crap out of you in the most brutal way possible. And you can’t really be a pedophile for loving that psychopathic 11 year old girl, because she won’t a single problem castrating you the moment you even think about laying a hand on her. Fine, maybe that makes you a masochistic pedophile.
1 comment:
I'll try to go watch it when I have time! But, Date Night was pretty good!
P.S. Sounds like you really like the Hit girl.
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