Saturday, February 20, 2010

A sequel that never should've been made

District 13: Ultimatum -- AVOID AT ALL COST

Sigh. Maybe it's my mistake. After watching the original District 13, I had pretty high hopes for this movie. I was expecting another no brainer, straight up action movie with a plot that's decent enough for my brain to shut down without raising any alarms due to inconsistencies. And most of all, I was expecting to finish the movie thinking "Wow, NICE!!!! It was so dumb, yet I loved every minute of it." But now I realize that I was living in a dream. A dream where sequels are as good as the original. As Jake Sully said in Avatar, we all gotta wake up sometimes. And the reality is, most sequels suck.

I already reviewed the original movie (you can read it here), so I won't repeat myself. But in a nutshell, what I said about the original District 13 was that although it's garbage as an art, the two leads (David Belle and Cyril Raffaelli) performed the stunts so well that it makes for an incredibly entertaining movie. But like all things, the wow-effect wears off. By the time I saw this movie, it was just the same old shit. The fact that the trailer gave away the best part of the action really doesn't help either.

If you haven't seen the original movie and want to waste some time watching an action movie, I highly recommend you watch the original one. If you have seen the original one... well, I still say watch the original one again because this one is just an inferior movie. If you watched the original one and are dying to see the sequel, just stream it on netflix or something. It is NOT worth $12.50 for see the sequel.

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