Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Coming up next

Hi guys, just wanted to give you a heads up of what to look forward to in the upcoming weeks:

- I have not forgotten my pledge to discuss films and lessons from film class. So far we have seen The Hurt Locker, Rear Window and Four Little Girls. I'm sure you guys have read/heard plenty about the first one so I'll only touch on it in conjunction with thoughts and predictions about the Oscars. Rear Window, an entertaining and insightful classic,  deserves thoughtful analysis, and in fact I've working on an entry for the last week or so. Hopefully I can polish it off and post it in the next day or so.

Keep reading after the jump to find out more of what we have planned, plus an exciting announcement by X.

- Oscar predictions. Most of the important categories are all but decided, taking the suspense out of Oscar night. That is somewhat good news for me however, since it makes my job easier. I still need to watch the last two Best Picture nominees (An Education & A Serious Man) before making my pick for who deserves to win, so expect that next week. In the meantime, enjoy this absolutely fabulous interview with Christoph Waltz, aka the Jew Hunter.

- This one is a little bit shaky. As some of you might have heard, one of the most daring and prolific independent film studios, Miramax, closed its doors last month. The studio was founded in 1979 by Harvey and Bob Weinstein (now perilously close to losing their grips on the Weinstein company) and delivered box office hits con critical darlings such as Pulp Fiction, Shakespeare in Love, The English Patient, Chicago, etc. Truly a sad day for a trailblazing company and independent minded film makers... I had (and still do) hope to write a feature on Miramax, but this requires a lot of research and time, precious commodities these days. Anyway I thought at least you guys should know where I stand on this. PS just want to point out that Miramax was destroyed by Disney...

- Last but certainly not least, sea of scenes is happy to announce a weekly serial feature that X will write on Batman. He has dedicated himself to becoming an expert on Batman lore, and he is now ready to share his wisdom. But I'll let him do the talking...

For those of you who have been regularly checking this blog (thank you!!!), you probably have noticed the lack of activity during the last week. Part of it is that school work has kicked in. But, at least on my side, I have to admit that the fault was my own -- I was too addicted to watching Batman to actually do anything else. That includes, socializing, sleeping, doing school work, and just about anything else. But I’ve watched all 85 episodes of Batman the Animated Series, all 24 episodes of The New Batman Adventures (also known as Batman the Animated Series: Volume 4), and all 52 episodes of Batman Beyond. Yes, it’s been a waste of time, and now I’m wasting more with The Batman (65 episodes total). Now I might as well take a page from our great former president George Bush on the War in Iraq -- when it looks like you put yourself in a shithole, just go and dig yourself deeper. That’s why I’m going to waste more time by writing a review about Batman. And I’m going to try something weird. Beginning this week (until some unspecified time), I’ll post a piece about Batman every Sunday at 12:01AM. So after I finish with all the posts, there will be a series of reviews on Batman, from The Animated Series to The Batman, to the 6 live action movies that have been made (Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, Batman Begins, and my favorite movie of all time, The Dark Knight). So… I know this sounds like a TV commercial, but stay tuned! The first review will come on 12:01AM of Feb 21st, 2010, and it will be my 2-cents on the first season (maybe the 2nd, depends on how addicted I get into the series) of The Batman.
Excited yet? Stay tuned. Thanks for your continued support!

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