Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Heeeeeere's Johnny!

Here's the a new official clip of Alice in Wonderland. This one is with Johnny Depp!

Looks interesting, all those lush colors. I just realized I will miss all of this year's exciting summer movie season, huge bummer. At least I will get a chance to see Alice before I leave, hope it doesn't disappoint. I read in an interview that Alice will be the seventh (!) collaboration between Johnny Depp (who plays the Mad Hatter) and director Tim Burton. Hollywood has seen its share of artist-muse (forgive my metaphor, I know actors are artists too) relationships over the years, the most famous being Scorsese and De Niro. Sounds very interesting, I should write something about this...

You can see a lot more clips here on IMDB.

1 comment:

XWingz87 said...

errr I know this a really stupid reason, but I have a feeling I'm not gonna like this movie because I don't like Alice's voice in it

Yeah dumb reason, I know. I hope I'm wrong though.