Friday, January 29, 2010

Is it just me or is Zoe Saldana on fire?

Only have time for a short post for this, but I promise it'll be good... Here is a trailer of a movie I've never heard of before today. Quick analysis follows.

<a href=";from=sp&amp;fg=MsnEntertainment_MoviesTrailersGP2_a&amp;vid=1b9d070f-aff2-47f6-8a86-9b2b44ec4fc6" target="_new" title="'The Losers' Exclusive Look">Video: 'The Losers' Exclusive Look</a>

This movie reminds me of so many others (some of them upcoming). In no particular order they are:
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
The Expendables
Leverage (ok so it's a TV show, sue me)
Bourne trilogy
Kill Bill
The A Team
Tropic Thunder

You get the idea... This isn't to say I'm not looking forward to the movie.

The cast looks pretty good. Zoe Saldana you know about (Halle who?). I'm excited about Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who played The Comedian in Watchmen and some sick guy on Grey's Anatomy. Also Idris Alba (who by the way has the coolest profile picture on IMDB)! Yet another British actor who can pull off the American accent flawlessly. In fact he was Stringer Bell, an inner city gang leader in The Wire (absolutely recommended in the strongest terms), which required him to have masterful command of gangsta speak.

All in all, looks like a fun time at the theater.

1 comment:

XWingz87 said...

This is why James Cameron is the man. Before Titanic, no one knows who the hell Leonardo DiCaprio or Kate Winslet was. Now they're everywhere.

Cameron can definitely see the potential in less well known actors and give them the break they need to be a well known actor.