Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sorry -- no eating my hat

From on 12/31/2009:

Avatar: 745,078,899
New Moon: $665,403,961

And Avatar still topped the box office yesterday with $18,466,123... so I'm guessing Avatar will make more money, while New Moon has asymptotically reached it max revenue.

Looks like justice does exist in this world.


Jay said...

believe it or not I'm happy about this

Unknown said...

Why is this blog all about movies? How about branching out a little?

smashpros said...

I'm fine with it being all about movies. Just start another blog for other topics.

I have to agree though. If a horrible book like Twilight with an intellectually-insulting storyline can become a blockbuster over ones that have innovative plots or unprecedented usage of graphics, the prevailing type of movies could end up leaning towards teenage chick cult romances with little substance. We've seen it happen with Superbad (which I felt was dull and similarly insubstantial) leading to even worse movies such as The Hangover.